We look in the Quran the Seerah & the history.

The methods, procedures, and processes we offer in teaching these Courses for Quran Classes Online with Tajweed help the students to learn, grow and be self-sufficient in reading Quran in future In-Shaa-Allah. Learn the Holy Quran online with Tajweed and Tarteel courses. Al Quran Teaching, understand, learn how to recite, memorize in online classes, lessons for kids, adults, females with live tutors over Skype and Zoom.

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Join millions of people from around the world learning the Quran online. Experience the rich reservoir of Islam and Quran learning through wide selection of courses with a free trial with world’s best expert Quran teachers.

Taking Online Quran Classes is as Beneficial as Learning At Home

Learning Quran and its recitation are essential for everyone. Still, in this fast going quotidian life of the world, people have become less interested in Islamic teaching and do no heed practices of the Quran.

People don’t give time to Quran on a regular basis, and the kids are told to recite forcefully. Wouldn’t it be great seeing kids learn Quran passionately?

Just like in their studies, they are motivated and encouraged to do better every day; why not in Quran and Sunnah?

People send their kids to mosques and madrasah, but due to the good strength of students, not every student is being taught properly.